
We’ll Soon Know More Than Ever Before About Our Bodies

In today’s day and age technology is progressing faster and faster, and it’s being pointed towards the one thing that everyone alive has in common: their health.  The COVID-19 pandemic has shown people how important it is to stay completely aware of all aspects of your health. During the pandemic people have kept track of […]

How to Live a Long Life

With the Tokyo Olympics fast approaching, there’s a huge focus on health and keeping your body in peak condition. After all, who else but the pinnacle of athletic prowess compete in the Olympics. Well, this year someone you might not expect is participating: Kane Tanaka, at 118-years old she is the world’s oldest person. Tanaka […]

7 Ways to Sleep Better

Many people have trouble either getting enough sleep, getting too much sleep, or falling asleep. Consumer Reports surveyed over 4,000 American adults about their sleeping habits. They learned that 27% of the responses said they have trouble falling or staying asleep most nights, while 68% of the responses said they have trouble falling or staying […]

Walking Every Day can Drastically Reduce Mortality Risk

Many people have learned and taken up walking during the pandemic. It’s amazing what a short 30-minute walk can do for your mental health and your physical health. When you walk you’re carrying your own body weight, and this is called a weight-bearing exercise. There are plenty of benefits, including: increased cardiovascular fitness; reduced risk […]

How Exercise Supports a Strong Immune System

It’s no mystery that regular exercise will let you get into great shape. A consistent exercise system will work wonders for your physical health and wellbeing. Over the course of the pandemic, many people have learned about the wonderful benefits of regular exercise on mental health and wellness. These advantages are far-reaching ranging from better […]

Proactively Staying Aware of Your Health

Most people have wondered at some point whether or not they should go to the doctor. It could be they have a fever and runny nose, a strange-looking rash, or just general fatigue. Sometimes it goes away, sometimes you learn to live with it, or sometimes a medical professional is reached out to. However, it’s […]


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