BodyK preventive health screening
- Fast & convenient: 7-minute screening with instant results
- Non-invasive
- Affordable
- Evidence-based technology
- Rapid assessment of clinically validated health markers
- Individualized Lifestyle Management Plan based on your health marker analysis
- Individualized supplement recommendations
- Suggested dietary modifications
- Suggested calory intake based on target weight
- Overview of your body composition, vascular function, and organ function
- Learn your vascular age in comparison to your chronological age
- Individualized risk factor insight for following, amongst others:
Life-Changing Experiences
The whole experience was incredibly worthwhile!. Since the moment I sat down to take my test, my consultant was very kind, knowledgeable and professional, explaining to me what the biomarkers shown. Going over my report, I was excited that there are simple changes I can make in my daily routine that can vastly improve my physical and mental health. I’ve already scheduled my follow up test in 3 months to monitor my improvements.
The screening showed many amazing insights, some things I had a feeling about before, and a number of new issues I will be working on going forward. An overweight person has a Scale they can stand on daily or weekly, to see if their diet is working. A person desiring to be in good health and wellness, using supplements, good nutrition, exercise and more, needs a “scale” of sorts for this….. and that is what the BodyK system is…And of course, I am looking to improve my readings on this “scale” next month 😊