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How Physical Activity Affects the Brain

How Physical Activity Affects the Brain

Everyone knows what physical activity and exercise does to your body. It helps you lessen fat stores and lose weight, as well as increasing muscle mass. This is what people go to the gym for, what they go on runs

Food as Information to have a Healthy Body

Food as Information to have a Healthy Body

We need food to live. We need to eat to be healthy and have functioning bodies. This is common sense, but the hard part is keeping balance and not shifting into unhealthy eating habits. One way to look at this,

Is there a Limit to the Human Lifespan

Is there a Limit to the Human Lifespan

As of this past February, there are now more than half a million people in the world over 100 years old, also known as centenarians. The United States has the largest number of confirmed centenarians in the world at 97,000,

The Importance of Fiber

The Importance of Fiber

People tend to look past fiber. For most people, fiber is something you eat if you’re having trouble going to the bathroom or if your stomach is hurting. However, fiber does so much more than normalize bowel movements and maintain

Frozen Food – Is it Healthy?

Frozen Food – Is it Healthy?

Frozen food is a controversial topic for many people. For some it’s a taboo, but for others it’s a regular meal. The convenience is undeniable. Just come home, take the meal out of the freezer, and heat it up. Quick,

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Wellness Blog

We created this space with your needs in mind. Our wellness experts share their advice on nutrition, exercise, stress management, strengthening your immune system, and navigating through these stressful COVID times. We are all in this together. It is our goal at BodyK that you discover your body's potential, for a healthier, longer life.


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